Mixed Veggie Rice paper Crispy Spring rolls

Crispy Rice Paper Spring rolls/ Dumplings that are crispy on the outside and a little chewy on the inside filled with the most delicious veggie filling served with a delicious dipping sauce. I saw this on TikTok and I had to recreate my version, and I’ve been loving it ever since. The veggie filling is a mixture of mushrooms, onions, shredded cabbage, shredded carrots, with seasonings and sauces that makes it so yum! You can pan fry or air fry the spring rolls! The best part is that you can customize the fillings with as many veggies as you like. Once you get a hang of rolling them (which is probably after 1-2 of them) they’re a lot of fun to make actually, almost therapeutic. The dipping sauce is SO good it is addictive. This recipe is also Vegan.

Happy Cooking!

Servings: 5-6 spring rolls; about 15-18 pieces

Prep Time: 35-45 mins

Cooking Time: 20-25 mins

Total Time Taken: 1-1.5 hours


Dipping sauce:

  • 1 tbsp sesame oil

  • 1.5 tsp Ginger grated

  • 1 tsp garlic grated 

  • 3 tbsp soy sauce 

  • 1/2 tbsp balsamic vinegar 

  • 1 tsp rice vinegar 

  • 1 tsp miso paste 

  • 1 tsp sugar 

  • 1/2 tsp white pepper 

  • 1/2 tsp salt 

  • 1-1.5 tsp sesame seed

  • 1/2-1 tbsp coriander stems finely chopped

  • 1/2 tsp chili flakes 

  • 3-4 tbsp water  

Spring rolls:

  • 3-4 tbsp sesame oil; divided as needed for panfrying

  • 8-10 mushrooms chopped into small pieces; about 2 cups 

  • 1/2 cup white onions finely chopped

  • 1.5 cups coleslaw (shredded cabbage and carrots)

  • 2 tsp Ginger grated 

  • 1 tbsp Garlic minced 

  • 1 tbsp soy sauce

  • 1 tsp vinegar 

  • 1/2 tsp miso paste

  • 1 tsp sriracha 

  • 1 tsp (vegan) milk 

  • 1 tsp Salt as per taste

  • 1/2 tsp White pepper

  • 1/2 tsp Sugar

  • 1 tsp Chili flakes 

  • 10-12 rice papers


  1. Dipping sauce: In a bowl add all the ingredients for the dipping sauce and mix. The dipping sauce is ready!

  2. Filling: Keep a saute pan on low-medium heat and add oil.

  3. Add onions and mushrooms and saute for 4-6 mins till they are half cooked.

  4. Add garlic paste, ginger paste, and cole slaw and saute for 3-4 mins

  5. Add all the seasonings and sauces and cook for 2-3 mins.

  6. Add chopped coriander leaves and mix. Take it off the heat.

  7. Let the mixture cool completely before forming the spring rolls.

  8. Forming spring rolls- Lightly moisten the work surface on which you will roll the spring rolls.

  9. Work with one rice paper at a time. Dip a rice paper in lukewarm water, moving quickly on each side making sure the rice paper is fully wet. Don’t over-soak it, just wet each side quickly. It should take a few seconds to do so.

  10. Place it flat on the surface and then start assembling.

  11. Place some filling in the middle bottom of the rice paper.

  12. Take the lower edge of the rice paper and start rolling up the spring roll tightly. Once you have rolled over the filling, fold in the left and right sides.

  13. Finish rolling up the spring roll all the way to the end.

  14. Place another moistened rice paper on the surface and place the rolled spring roll on it. Repeat the rolling process to wrap it over the spring roll.

  15. Repeat the rolling process with the rest of the filling. If the work surface looks dry, brush some water over it.

  16. While you roll the others keep the ready ones on a lightly greased surface and covered with a damp (not wet) paper towel. This prevents the rolls from drying out.

  17. The spring rolls are ready!

  18. Making them crispy: You can pan fry or air fry the dumplings

  19. Pan fry: Cook the dumplings in 2 separate batches so they won’t stick together and are easier to flip. Pan fry the first side for 3 minutes and flip the side for an additional 3 minutes or until golden brown and crispy. Repeat the process for the second batch, and add more oil, if needed.

  20. Air fry: Grease the basket well with sesame oil. Make sure to leave some space between each dumpling. Spray more oil on top of each dumpling. Air fry at 370F for 12-15 minutes. Flip after 6 minutes till both sides are crispy. Spray more oil as needed.

  21. Serve the spring rolls with the dipping sauce and enjoy! These dumplings taste the freshest and most crispy when they are fresh out of the pan so enjoy them right away or they’ll turn soft.


  • You can prepare the dipping sauce from before, and store it in an airtight container in the fridge.

  • The rice paper sheets I used were storebought and are available are different flavors. You can use whatever is available to you.

  • Cover them with a damp cloth to help them from drying out before cooking.

  • Make sure you leave space between the dumplings while cooking them or they will stick to each other.

  • I like to make the filling a day before and keep it in the fridge.

  • Double wrapping the spring rolls helps protect them from tearing up while cooking. They will burst open id not double wrapped.


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