Sugar spiced Churro

Churros is one of the best desserts according to me, i mean crispy on the outside and soft on the inside topped coated with a spiced sugar- who can resist? The addition of the spices in the sugar add a subtle and delicate flavor without overpowering it. Fresh homemade churros are a game changer and this recipe is just that. Make these fresh for people and it is going to be requested every single time. This recipe is very straight forward & definitely one you’ll want to try. Dip this fried wonder it in a chocolate or caramel sauce and serve it with ice cream for the most epic dessert. I do have an eggless recipe that i am sharing soon. Whenever i make these churros everyone wants at least 2-3 helpings so make sure you make enough.

Happy Cooking!


Servings: 3-4 servings

Prep Time: 40 mins

Cooking Time: 15 -20 mins

Total Time: 1 hour


  • 180g milk

  • 60g Water

  • 110g butter chopped

  • 1 tsp sugar

  • 155g AP flour

  • 4 eggs

  • Oil for frying

Sugar for coating:

  • 1/3 cup fine granulated sugar/castor sugar

  • 1.5 tsp cardamom powder

  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon powder for coating

An option of a chocolate glaze recipe here- just change Orange juice to milk and serve it warm.


  1. In a saucepan, add milk and water.

  2. Add sugar to it. Add chopped butter to it and mix it together.

  3. Bring the mixture to a low boil.

  4. Add flour to the mixture and using a spatula mix it together.

  5. Mix it fast and make sure there are no lumps. Cook it well till a smooth consistency.

  6. Cook until the paste forms a ball. If you are using a non stick pan cook till skin forms on the base of the pan. It can take 7-10 minutes. (Yes, it is a arm workout)

  7. Transfer it to a bowl or a stand mixer. Using a paddle or mixer beat it on a low speed to start cooling it.

  8. Beat in one egg at a time into the dough once it starts cooling. Scrape down the edges of the bowl and mix it in.

  9. Once the dough is ready- it will be smooth and sticky, transfer it to a piping bag with a medium sized tip- check notes.

  10. Mix sugar, cardamom powder and cinnamon powder and keep aside.

  11. Heat the oil till its medium- hot, about 325-350F.

  12. Pipe churros into the oil. You can cut it with scissors into the oil or cut it with the edge of the pan. Be careful.

  13. Fry till golden brown all over flipping it over if necessary.

  14. When fried take it out on a paper towel and dab off extra oil for 10-15 seconds. Immediately toss it in the spiced sugar. Without draining it can cause the oil to make sugar clump up in spots.

  15. Serve warm with chocolate or caramel sauce. I have a chocolate glaze recipe here- just change Orange juice to milk and serve it warm.


  • Be sure to cook the dough well after adding flour- the skin must form if it you are cooking in a non stick or a semi non stick. If not cooked well it will not be soft inside and it will not taste good.

  • Piping tips- A piping tip like Wilton 1M gives a thinner & fragile churro, piping tip like Ateco #849 has deeper ridges and gives a crisper churro.

  • Fry in a heavy bottom pan.

  • DO NOT overcrowd the pan while frying, the churros will be soggy.

  • Ideally make these fresh and served immediately. You can make these before (1-2 hours max, stored in an airtight container) and reheat them in an oven 180F for 7-9 mins till they crisp up again. They will not be as fresh or crisp but still tastes good.

  • Freeze- Pipe churros and freeze it for 5-10 mins. When solid wrap them in cling wrap and make sure it is airtight and freeze for upto a month. Be careful when frying- you may need to thaw for 10 mins before frying. Icicles can form if not cling wrapped well. I have tried this method and it does work but it is not as fresh and crisp as immediately made and fried.

  • Air fry- if you really want to air fry it (deep fry is much better). Preheat the airfryer to 375F . Pipe the batter directly on the air fryer tray - make shorter churros keeping an inch away atleast. Air fry for 10 mins till golden brown all over. Transfer to the spiced sugar and toss it and serve warm.


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