Eggless Ras malai Crinkle

This Eggless Rasmalai crinkle is an Indian inspired fusion dessert. Phyllo crinkle is a delicious recipe that went viral on TikTok thanks to Ramena and I had to create an eggless Indian version of the same! It’s a crispy bite on top with a cakey bite on the bottom. The flavors are that of a ras malai with pieces on top. This makes a really fun festive dessert for a Holi. The saffron and cardamom really bring the whole thing together. Topped with pistachio and rose petals, it’s so pretty.
Happy Baking!

Servings: 10-12 servings

Prep time: 10-15 mins

Baking time: 1 hour

Time taken: 1.5 hours


  • 1 roll/8 oz phyllo 

  • 1 stick/114g butter

  • 1/2 cup Rasmalai liquid 

  • 1/4 cup Milk

  • 1.5 tbsp Corn starch 

  • 1/3 cup sugar 

  • 1 tsp Cardamom powder

  • 1 tsp Saffron powder- optional

  • 3-5 pieces of rasmalai

Sugar syrup:

  • 3 tbsp sugar 

  • 1/3 cup water 

  • 1 tsp lemon juice 

  • 3-5 strands Saffron 


  • Chopped Pistachio

  • Dried rose petals


  1. Preheat oven to 350F.

  2. Crinkle 2 sheets of phyllo dough like a fan and place in a baking pan.

  3. Bake at 350F for 10 mins.

  4. Melt butter and pour evenly over the phyllo and bake for 10 mins at 350F.

  5. Prepare the syrup by mixing ras malai liquid, mix, corn starch, sugar, cardamom powder and saffron powder.

  6. Pour it evenly over the phyllo.

  7. Cut the Ras malais into 3 pcs each and tuck it over the layers of phyllo.

  8. Bake for 35-45 mins till its baked through and golden brown.

  9. Sugar syrup- in a pot on medium heat add the water, sugar, lemon juice and saffron and boil for 5-8 mins till the sugar melts and it thickens to a sugar syrup.

  10. Once the phyllo is out of the oven, pour over the sugar syrup evenly over it.

  11. Garnish with pistachios and rose petals.

  12. Let it cool for 5-8 mins and then cut and serve.

  13. Pairs amazing with ice cream!


  • I like using a spoon to pour over the phyllo to get an even pour.

  • Make sure your Rasmalai liquid and Rasmalai are thawed and not frozen.

  • Use only two sheets of phyllo at a time while crinkling.

  • To see how to make saffron powder, click here.

  • For Ramena Original recipe click here.


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