Thin crust cheese burst Pizza

CHEESEESY CRISPY PIZZA ALERT! Two crispy thin crust pizza based sandwiched with a creamy cheese burst sauce, topped with pizza sauce, more cheese and your favorite pizza toppings! Inspired by The double cheese crunch pizza Dominoes India had some ten odd years back which I terribly miss! Its crispy pizza with cheese overload so no complains! The only reason, I sometimes don’t like cheese burst pizzas is that the crust gets too thick and doughy for me, but this solves that!! Make this for a dinner, date night, movie night, game day and it’ll be the star after you, for making it! It’s too delicious not to try!

Happy Cooking!

Servings: 8-10 inch pizza

Prep Time: 30 mins

Cooking Time: 30 mins

Total Time: 1 hours


Pizza base:

  • 2 thin crust pizza bases- 8/10 inch 

  • Olive oil to brush/spray

Cheese burst sauce

  • 90g processed cheese like Amul cheese

  • 30g Mozzarella cheese

  • 1/4 cup heavy cream

  • 1 tbsp salted butter

  • 2.5 tbsp mayo


  • 4-5 tbsp Pizza sauce, click here for the homemade sauce recipe

  • 1-1.5 cups Mozzarella cheese grated

  • Corn kernels

  • Peppers sliced

  • Jalapeños sliced

  • Onions sliced


  1. Preheat oven to 400F or to the temperature on the pizza base directions.

  2. Prepare pizza sauce if you’re making it at home.

  3. Brush/spray olive oil over the bases and cook in the oven for 6-8 mins till crispy.

  4. Once out, let it cool for 5-10 mins.

  5. Cheese burst sauce- In a bowl, add both the cheeses, heavy cream, mayonnaise and butter.

  6. Melt it together in a double boiler or microwave.

    • Double boiler- place a pan with water to boil. It should be smaller than the base of he bowl with the cheese in ti so it can sit on the top without drowning. Once it boils, the steam will start melting the cheese. Stir in intervals till all melted and combined.

    • Microwave- Place in a microwave safe bowl and heat upper 1 minute. Stir well and place backfire 30 second intervals, stirring in between till melted and combined.

  7. Once the cheese sauce is ready and the crusts have cooled its time to assemble.

  8. Assemble:

    • Place the crisper side of one crust facing the top and use that as the bottom crust.

    • Spread the cheese sauce all over the crust, less on the edges.

    • Sandwich it with the second crust with the crispy side facing top

    • Spread pizza sauce over the crust.

    • Top with shredded mozzarella cheese.

    • Top with all the topping you like.

  9. Bake at 400F (or package instructions) for another 5-6 mins till the cheese is melted and crusts are crispy,

  10. Slice and enjoy!


  • You can make fresh pizza dough if you want. Be sure to roll it out really thin.

  • You need to use thin crust pizzas to make this.

  • Make sure the crusts are crispy before assembling!

  • You can make the cheese sauce from before and keep. Just reheat it before assembling.

  • Add any toppings you want!

  • If you like it extra cheesy, make extra cheese sauce to drizzle and dip into.


Easy Homemade Schezwan Sauce


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