Tandoori Focaccia

Focaccia is one of my favorite bread because of its chewy & soft texture. I first learned how to make it when I was in Pastry school. During the 2020 lockdown, I rekindled my love for this bread and I’ve been making it a lot ever since. I wanted to give it a never before tried Desi twist. I added some spices and flavorings to the dough as well as topped it with spice-marinated toppings like paneer, potatoes, and more. As it’s baked at a very high temperature, it gives it a tandoori effect on top and it’s so yum! It’s a must-try!

Happy Baking!

Servings: 1 loaf, about 6-8 servings

Prep Time: 20-30 mins

Rest Time: 3 hours

Baking Time: 20 mins

Total Time Taken: 4-5 hours


For the dough-

  • 195g Water (room temperature)

  • 5g Active dry yeast

  • 300g All Purpose Flour

  • 6g Sea salt

  • 4g Sugar

  • 1 tsp Garam masala 

  • 1/2-1 tsp Red chili powder

  • 1/2 tsp cumin powder

  • 2 tsp garlic powder

  • 2 tbsp ginger paste

  • 1 tbsp green chili paste

  • Approx 1-1.5 cups extra virgin Olive oil

For the toppings-

  • 1/3 cup Paneer in small cubes

  • 1/2 small golden potato cut into small cubes

  • 1/2 small Onion cut into slices; you can caramelise them if you want

  • 1/2 small Bell pepper into slices

  • 2-3 green chilis cut into small pieces; optional

  • 1/2 tbsp Cumin powder

  • 1 tsp Ghee

  • 1-2 tsp Red chili powder

  • 1/2-1 tsp Salt 

  • 1 tsp Sugar 

  • 1.5 tsp Coriander powder

  • 1/2 tsp Turmeric 

  • 1/2 tsp garam masala


  1. In a stander mixer bowl mix the yeast and water. Mix and let it activate. Let it stand for 10-15 mins.

  2. Add the flour and then add the salt, sugar, cumin powder, red chili powder, garam masala, garlic powder, ginger paste, and green chili paste.

  3. Knead the dough for 8-12 minutes till it comes together. Start on low and then increase the speed. The dough will be sticky.

  4. Generously grease a bowl with Olive oil (about 1/2 cup). Lightly grease your hands so the dough doesn’t stick to them.

  5. Transfer the dough to the greased bowl & cover it with plastic wrap. Let it rest for 30 minutes at room temperature.

  6. While the dough is resting, marinate the toppings. In a bowl add paneer, potato, onions, chili, and peppers. Add cumin powder, red chili powder, turmeric, garam masala, salt, sugar, coriander powder, and ghee and toss them in it. Cover and keep aside.

  7. Once the dough has rested and doubled in size, grease a work surface with Olive oil. Tip the dough onto the surface.

  8. Stretch the dough lightly with your fingers till it forms a rectangle.

  9. Fold the bottom end onto the middle of the dough. Fold the top end onto the dough, like a letter fold.

  10. Fold the left end of the dough to the middle. Fold the right end onto the dough to form a squarish shape.

  11. Transfer the dough back to the greased bowl, seam sides down.

  12. Cover the dough and let it proof for 45-60 minutes. Set the oven temperature to its minimum (about 150F). When the oven comes to temperature, turn it off and let it cool for 4-5 mins. Only then place the covered dough in it. OR if it is hot and humid you can cover the dough and let it rest at room temperature.

  13. Once it has rested, repeat the folding steps a second time and proof again for 45 mins.

  14. Once proofed, grease a baking tray generously with Olive Oil (about 1/2-2/3 cup) and transfer the dough onto it after the 3rd fold. The third proof is to be in the pan.

  15. Lightly stretch it but you do not want it thin. It may not reach the ends of your tray and that is fine.

  16. Make indentations with your fingers to give it the look of focaccia.

  17. Put on the toppings as you like.

  18. Once assemble let it proof in the tray at room temperature for 45-60 mins. Ideally, the room should be warm, if not, just place it in an off oven.

  19. Once done proofing, the dough will have increased in size. Preheat the oven to 460F.

  20. Bake for 15-18 minutes at 460F. Take it out when the edges are golden brown and the middle is cooked through.

  21. Cut it as you please and serve warm!

Notes / Tips

  • Do not add salt directly to the yeast mixture.

  • The dough should be kneaded enough to help form gluten. This is important in a bread-like Focaccia.

  • The dough is sticky when kneaded together, it does become less sticky with resting.

  • Grease your palms lightly with olive oil while working on the dough.

  • The rest and turns are very important so do not skip that!

  • Proofing the dough in the oven is very helpful if it is not hot & humid. For proofing doughs need a temperature of about 95-100F and high humidity.

  • Proof the dough the last time on the baking tray for an airy texture.

  • Be generous with olive oil, trust. me you will be very happy with the results.

  • Focaccia is best when served hot from the oven.

  • If you increase the recipe amount, the baking time increases by a few minutes.

  • For a more traditional focaccia recipe, click here.

Ideal Proofing situations- If it is hot & humid, keep the dough covered and it will rise well. If the weather conditions are not favorable, turn the oven on to the lowest temp, around 150F. Turn it off when it comes to temperature, and place the dough covered along with a jug of hot water in the oven. Leave the oven door a little opened for 10-15 minutes so the temp comes down to 90-100F which is ideal for proofing bread.


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