Paneer Sliders

The paneer sliders are mind blowing! A delicious creamy filling with a crispy outing all put together in a slider, how can you go wrong with that? These are SO easy to put together and perfect any day or any occasion! I’ve made these for friends and family and they were all fans, like no one could just have one. These are perfect for brunch or on a cheese board and even amazing as appetizers. Perfect combination of flavors with an indian twist. To be honest, the patty without the slider is also amazing!!

Happy Cooking!


Servings: 6-8 sliders

Prep Time: 20 mins

Cooking Time: 10 mins

Total Time: 30 mins



  • 7 oz crumbled paneer

  • 1 tbsp ginger paste

  • 1/2 cup finely chopped red onions

  • 2 small green chilli finely

  • 2 tbsp chopped coriander

  • 2 oz shredded Italian cheese

  • 1 tsp chili flakes

  • 1/4 tsp pepper

  • 1/4 tsp garam masala

  • 1/2-1 tsp roasted cumin powder based on taste

  • 1-2 tsp salt to taste

  • 1.5 tbsp corn starch

Corn flake mixture for coating:

  • 1 1/4 cup crushed corn flakes

  • 1 tbsp kasthuri methi

  • 1/4 tsp salt

Flour mixture for coating:

  • 3-4 Tbsp flour

  • 1.5-2 tbsp corn starch

  • 5- 9 tbsp water


  • 1/3 cup Ketchup

  • 5-7 Tbsp mayonnaise

  • 1/2 tsp chilli flakes

For layering:

  • Fresh romaine lettuce

  • 1 onion sliced in circles

  • Slider buns

  • Oil for frying


  1. Patty- In a bowl, add the crumbled paneer, ginger paste, onions, chilis, coriander, salt, pepper, red chilli flakes, cheese, cumin powder, garam masala and corn starch and mix it all together. The mixture should be compact enough to form a shape.

  2. Based on the size of the bun form the patties. I used about 3-4 tbsp of the mixture. Shape it as a round patty. Make sure your patties are compact.

  3. Flour mixture- Prepare the mixture of flour, corn starch and water. Whisk it all together. First add 5 tbsp of water and then add more water 1 tbsp at a time, till the mixture is smooth. It should be thick so it can coat the patty well and not be very liquid.

  4. Cornflake mixture- Mix crushed cornflakes, Kasthuri methi and salt together.

  5. Sauce- Mix ketchup, mayonnaise and red chilli flakes.

  6. Prepare the patties by dipping it in the flour mixture. Make sure it is coated well.

  7. Coat it in the cornflake mixture. Make sure you get all the edges and coat it well.

  8. Repeat for all patties.

  9. Deep/Shallow fry the patties in medium heat (Around 340-360F) oil. Be careful to take it out when the cornflakes is cooked well. You do not want to over cook it because the cheese will ooze out and then splatter in oil.

  10. Layer the sliders- Cut the slider buns in half and warm them on a griddle. Warm both the sides of the griddle- you can put butter and grill too.

  11. Spread sauce on the slider. Place a lettuce (size of the slider) then the patty. Place the onion and cover with the top the slider bun. You can spread some sauce on the top slider bun too.

  12. Put a toothpick through it to hold it in place. Serve warm with the sauce.


  • Use softer paneer for a creamier texture. Make sure the paneer isn’t too rubbery.

  • If the paneer mixture is not too compact- add 1/2-1 tbsp more of cornstarch.

  • If you want to use panko you can replace it with the corn flakes. I recommend using corn flakes since it is MUCH more crispier.

  • I have tried airfrying the patty- it works but not so crispy. Be careful to not overcook it. I preheated the air fryer at 380F and cooked it at 360F for 7-9 mins, flipping it in between. Drizzle some oil over when cooking. Be careful since the cheese melts and can ooze out.

  • While deep/shallow frying make sure all sides are well cooked but be careful since the cheese melts and can ooze out.

  • Skip the onions in the layering if you want.

  • I have made the patties a day before and fried them the next day. Let the paneer mixture thaw before coating and cooking them. I do not recommend coating it before because it they become soggy and will not be crispy.


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