French Onion Grilled Cheese

Welcome to a delectable twist on the classic grilled cheese sandwich! This French Onion Grilled Cheese recipe combines the rich and savory flavors of caramelized onions with a trio of indulgent cheeses—Swiss, Pepper Jack, and Mozzarella. Each bite is a harmonious blend of melted cheeses and tender onions, encased in perfectly toasted bread. This gourmet version of the beloved grilled cheese is a tantalizing treat that will satisfy your cravings and elevate your lunch or dinner to new heights of culinary delight. Prepare your taste buds for an irresistible combination of French onion soup and the ultimate comfort food.

Happy Cooking!

Servings: 3 sandwiches

Prep Time: 15 mins

Cooking Time: 30-40 mins

Total Time: 45-60 mins


  • 2 medium yellow onions

  • 1 tbsp olive oil/butter

  • Salt and pepper as per taste

  • 4-6 sourdough bread slices

  • 2-3 tbsp chili paste/hot sauce of your choice (I used a Calabrian chili paste)

  • 2-4 slices Swiss cheese

  • 2-3 slices Pepper jack cheese

  • 1/3-2/3 cup grated mozzarella cheese

  • Butter for grilling


  1. Put 1 tbsp olive oil/butter on a pan and caramelize sliced onions on a low-medium flame till they are well browned and caramelized. Add salt and pepper as per taste. Cook them for 20-30 mins on low heat so they develop a deep flavor. Let them cool slightly.

  2. Turn a skillet on medium-low flame.

  3. On one side of both sides, spread the chili paste.

  4. On top, layer the Swiss cheese slice, pepper jack cheese slice, and then top with grated mozzarella cheese.

  5. Top them with caramelized onions all over.

  6. Close the sandwich. Spread butter on one side of the sandwich.

  7. Place the buttered side face down on the skillet and let it cook till it’s lightly brown. Keep the flame on low. Spread butter on the top of the slice (the unbuttered side).

  8. Flip the sandwich over and let it start browning. Once it starts browning, cover the skillet with a lid. This will help the cheese melt. Let it cook till it becomes golden brown all over that side.

  9. Flip it over and let the slightly brown side become golden brown with the lid over the skillet. Ensure both sides of the sandwich are well-cooked and toasty. The cheese should be melted. This can take 7-8 mins.

  10. Slice and serve warm!


  • Sourdough bread is the best choice for this sandwich but you can use any bread of your choice.

  • Put the lid on the skillet only once the bread has started becoming brown and toasty or it will get soggy. This helps the cheese melt.

  • You can caramelize the onions and keep them in the fridge for 3-5 days.

  • Using different flavored cheeses adds a lot of flavor to the dish.

  • A cast iron skillet makes it very crispy!


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