Eggless Vanilla pudding Mille-Feuille

A Mille-Feuille is a pastry which in French means a thousand sheets. This is a layered pastry which is layers of puff pastry and vanilla custard. This is my version to make it at home, using puff pastry and homemade vanilla pudding. It’s crispy and creamy and such a treat. This dessert may be intimating but this version is really easy and eggless! Its also not a very sweet dessert so if someone doesn’t like too sweet, it’s perfect for them. You can easily make it and seem so fancy so give it a try! If you want a more traditional recipe with egg check the notes.
Happy Baking!

Servings: 4-6 servings

Prep Time: 20 mins

Cooking Time: 20 mins

Baking time: 30 mins

Chilling Time: 3 hours

Total Time: 4-5 hours


Puff pastry:

  • 1 sheet puff pastry

  • 2 tbsp milk

  • 1-1.5 tbsp castor sugar

Vanilla pudding:

  • 60g castor sugar 

  • 1/4 cup corn starch 

  • 2 1/4 cups milk

  • 1 tbsp butter 

  • 2 tsp Vanilla extract or 1/2 vanilla pods


  1. Puff pastry: Preheat the oven to 400F.

  2. On a floured surface roll out a sheet of puff pastry till 1/6th inch thick. Using a pizza cutter cut it into 12-15 pieces.

  3. Place them on a parchment lined tray. Using a fork pierce holes in them all over. Brush lightly with milk and sprinkle sugar over them.

  4. Bake at 400F for 18-25 mins till golden brown and crispy. Midway, take the tray out and flip the puff pastry pieces over and pierce with a fork all over again. Let it cool and keep aside. If you’re going to assemble later, store in an airtight container.

  5. Vanilla pudding: In a pan add corn starch and sugar. If you’re using vanilla pods, add it now. Whisk it together.

  6. Start the flame on medium and add milk. Whisk till no lumps. Keep whisking it and as it’ll keep thickening as it cooks.

  7. Cook for 5-6 mins as it thickens. Turn the flame off and add vanilla essence and butter. Whisk it together.

  8. Let it cool for atleast 10 mins and transfer to a piping bag. Let it chill in the fridge for 30 mins atleast till it’s thickened.

  9. Assemble- Layer puff pastry piece and then pipe vanilla pudding over it. Layer with another piece of puff pastry and press slightly. Pipe pudding and repeat last layer of puff pastry. Finish with pudding again. Chill in the fridge for 1-3 hours. Serve cold.


  • Make sure you piece holes in the puff pastry so that it doesn’t puff up too much.

  • You can cut the puff pastry in any shape/size you like. The smaller it is the better balance it will have.

  • Vanilla beans gives a much better flavor than extract.

  • Make sure the vanilla pudding is well cooked and thickened.

  • Make sure it is cool and thickened before piping otherwise it will not stay and melt off.

  • If you want to make a chocolate pudding you can use this recipe here.

  • If you want a cream with egg use this recipe here.


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