Best-est Veggie Nachos

So lets get one thing straight- nachos is always a good idea! HOWEVER I hate it when nachos only the top has toppings and when you get to the bottom its just plain chips. This recipe is not like that, the toppings are spread out in two divisions making every bite amazing! Using homemade beans and queso (the recipe is up) it really takes it up a notch. The nachos are cheesy and gooey and with the corn and chips giving it a bite! These nachos are a game changer, you gotta try it. You won’t be able to stop at one!!

Happy Cooking!

Servings: 8-10 servings

Prep Time: 30 mins

Cooking Time: 20 mins

Total Time: 1 hour



  1. Prepare queso and refried beans. I highly recommend making it at home.

  2. On a parchment lined baking tray, spread a layer of tortilla chips, about half of it.

  3. Spread 1/3rd of the queso over the chips.

  4. Top half the beans and corn over the queso.

  5. Top1/3rd of the shredded cheese.

  6. Spread the remaining chips over it.

  7. Spread the remaining queso, beans and cheese over it.

  8. Top with remaining corn and jalapeños.

  9. Bake at 380F for 10-12 mins till cheese is melted.

  10. Drizzle sour cream over the baked nachos.

  11. Serve immediately with your choice of salsas and enjoy!


  • I highly recommend using homemade queso and beans. It is really the key of making this recipe insane.

  • Make the two layers, it makes every bite perfect.

  • If you want to make it spicy add jalapeños to the first layer as well.

  • Make, bake and serve immediately. It will get soggy otherwise.


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