Best Coconut Chutney

Coconut chutney is a very popular condiment from South India that is usually served with dishes like dosa and idli. For me, coconut chutney is a very important part of a south Indian meal so it has to be amazing. I can humbly say I don’t make the best coconut chutney BUT my husband does!! I am not kidding when I say every time someone has it, they always ask him for the recipe. After a lot of persuasions, he agreed to let me share it with the world. This coconut chutney is vegan and so full of flavor, but the best part is how fine and creamy it is! It’s got coconut, nuts, lentils, spices, curry leaves, and more which makes it absolutely delicious, the only thing extra you'll need to make this is patience. You cannot wait to try how amazing this coconut chutney is from taste to texture.

Happy Cooking!

Servings: 6-8 servings; about 2-2.5 cups

Prep Time: 10 mins

Cooking Time: 20-30 mins

Chilling Time: 10-15 mins

Total Time: 45-50 mins


  • 2 tbsp Chana Dalia

  • 1/3-1/2 inch Ginger 

  • 10-12 pcs raw peanuts 

  • 1-2 green chilis

  • 70g coconut slices; I used frozen that I took out 20 mins before

  • 70g desiccated coconut; I used frozen that I took out 20 mins before

  • 1.5 tsp tamarind water 

  • 3/4-1.25 cup water 

  • 1/4-1/2 tsp Salt as per taste


  • 2 tbsp peanut oil

  • 1.5 tsp mustard seeds

  • 1/2 tsp Hing powder; asafoetida

  • 2 red chilis broken 

  • 2 tsp white urad dal 

  • 6-7 curry leaves


  1. In a food processor add coconut slices, desiccated coconut, chana dalia, green chili, ginger, peanuts, and tamarind water.

  2. Add about 1.5 tbsp of water and grind it. It won’t be fine but grind till you get the finest consistency without adding more water.

  3. Once you have reached that stage, scrape down the edges of the processor and add 1.5 tbsp more water. Repeat the steps above about 5-7 times adding a little water every time. Patience is key to getting a creamy fine consistency without any coconut pieces and a fine consitency.

  4. Once you have the fine consistency add about 2 tbsp more water and salt and grind till smooth. Once you get the consistency you want of the coconut, add more water to make the chutney more liquid as you want. Add more salt as per taste.

  5. Prepare the tempering by placing oil in a small pan on medium-high heat.

  6. Once it starts to warm add mustard seeds, urad dal, hing powder, and broken dried red chili. Gently and carefully mix till it sizzles.

  7. Once it sizzles add curry leaves. Be careful while adding it as it can splatter.

  8. Carefully pour the hot temper over coconut chutney and give it a mix.

  9. Let it chill in the fridge for 10-15 mins. This helps the flavor marinate and thickens it a bit.

  10. Serve it with your favorite dishes like dosa, idli, uttapam.


  • If you use frozen coconut, make sure you take it out before which makes it easier to grind.

  • You need to use both kinds of coconut- sliced and dissected. The combination gives an amazing texture and creaminess! It is NOT the same if you skip either one.

  • Make sure you only add a little water at a time. It helps churn it better. You need patience but it’s soo worth it.

  • Add curry leaves to the temper at the end otherwise they can burn.

  • It lasts well in the fridge for a maximum of 2-3 days in an airtight container.


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