The Global Vegetarian

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Lemon Strawberry Trifle

This is the most delicious lemon strawberry trifle which is SO easy to make and it takes a shortcut dessert to another level! It is fresh, sweet with a perfect balance of tang. You can make this with store-bought lemon pound cake and with 5 ingredients only, making it a no-bake dessert. Using pastry hacks that I have learned over my career I can make this easy dessert, feel, look and taste like a fancy one, and you’ll have done minimum work! This dessert can be made Vegan and eggless depending on the pound cake you use. A perfect spring/summer dessert that will definitely make you happy. You can make these as single servings or in a large bowl.

Happy Baking!

Servings: 5-7 servings

Prep Time: 10 mins

Cooking Time: 15 mins

Cooling Time: 2-3 hours

Total Time: 3 hours


  • 1 pound fresh strawberries chopped into pieces

  • 16 Oz Lemon pound cake as a loaf or in slices

  • 1/4 cup castor sugar divided

  • 3/4 -1 cup heavy Whipping cream

  • 2.5 tbsp Cream cheese at room temperature

  • 1 tsp Vanilla

  • 1/2 cup milk


  1. Cut the lemon pound cake into small cubes (around 1-1.5 inch cubes) and keep aside.

  2. In a bowl with the chopped strawberries add 1.5-2 tbsp of sugar. Mix it together well, and cover and keep aside. Let it sit for an hour to two. You can keep it up to overnight. The longer you keep it, the more syrup will form.

  3. When ready to assemble, in a mixer, add cream cheese and 1-2 tbsp sugar, and whisk till smooth. Scrape the edges of the bowl and whisk on medium speed for 2-3 mins till fluffy.

  4. Add heavy whipping cream and vanilla essence and whisk together. Scrape the edges of the bowl and whisk on low-medium speed for 2-3 mins till soft peaks. I like to transfer it in a piping bag so it’s easy to assemble.

  5. After the strawberries have sat, staring the liquid is formed in a bowl. Add the milk and mix it together.

  6. Assemble in small individual cups or in one bigger bowl-

    • Layer with the lemon pound cake cubes and press down slightly.

    • Soak the cake layer some of the strawberry milk.

    • Spread some of the cream cheese whipped cream over it.

    • Top with strained strawberries and repeat the layers again ending with the berries on top.

  7. Chill for 1 hour and serve!


  • You can use store-bought lemon pound cake or homemade. For this recipe, I used glazed lemon pound cake, the glaze bits are fun texture bites. You can use the ones at Starbucks or from a grocery store. Whichever one you use, make sure it is fresh.

  • You can add raspberries to the strawberries as well.

  • One of my favorite garnishes is milk or dark chocolate over it.

  • These last well for 2-3 days in the refrigerator.

  • The cream cheese helps to cut the sweetness in the desert, it doesn’t give it a cheesecake flavor of any kind.

  • You can add toasted sliced almonds in the layers.

  • Vegan- Use vegan heavy whipping cream and milk to make this dessert Vegan. Almond milk is a great alternative.