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Black Forest Mousse with a chocolate biscuit crust

Black Forest Mousse with a chocolate biscuit crust is a delicious dessert that is melt in your mouth light and rich in flavors. A chocolate biscuit crust, layered with creamy chocolate mousse (can be made eggless), juicy cherry compote, and then garnished with whipped cream and a cherry on top. If you are a cherry and chocolate lover, you will LOVE this. Make them in small portion cups, a day before your party and it’ll not only be easy and so tasty! This mousse is so creamy, rich, and decadent that you’ll want to keep eating it. Everything paired together it is so good!
Happy Baking!

Servings: 6-8 servings

Prep Time: 30 mins

Cooking Time: 1 hour

Chilling Time: 6-8 hours

Total Time: 9-10 hours


Chocolate biscuit crust:

  • 8-10 oz chocolate cream biscuits; like born bon biscuits

  • 3 tbsp melted butter


For an eggless mousse recipe, click here. Use semi- sweet chocolate or dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate.Make the mousse as the recipe linked and follow all other instructions in this recipe.

For a recipe with egg, follow below.

  • 60g Egg yolks

  • 220g Semi-sweet chocolate 

  • 73g Unsalted Butter 

  • 315g Heavy Whipping cream 

  • 56g castor sugar 

  • 1 tsp Vanilla essence 

Cherry Compote:

  • 1.5-1.75 cup chopped cherries; cut in halves or quarters

  • 2-3 tbsp sugar 

  • 1.25-1.5 cups water 


  1. Cherry Compote:

    1. Put a saucepan on low-medium heat and add cherries, sugar and water.

    2. Keep stirring and cooking the cherries for 8-10 mins. Mash cherries while cooking.

    3. Cook till it thickens and if you pass a spoon through it, it doesn’t come back together immediately.

    4. Once cooked, keep it aside.

  2. Crust:

    1. In a food processor add the biscuits and melted butter and pulse till it’s like wet sand. You can even smash it using a rolling pin and add the melted butter in a bowl and mix.

    2. The crust is ready, keep aside.

  3. Mousse: For the eggless mousse, follow the instructions here.

    1. Cut the chocolate and place it in a bowl with butter. Melt over a double boiler or in the microwave (for 60 seconds then 30-second intervals, stirring each time). Stir until smooth. Keep aside to cool. 

    2. Combine egg yolks, and 10g sugar in a mixing bowl. Put a smaller saucepan with water on heat and let it come to a simmer.

    3. Place mixing bowl over gently simmering water. Whip with a hand whisk until thick and hot, make sure to bring to 145F for at least 15 seconds. This prevents any illness from raw eggs.

    4. In another bowl, beat cream and remaining sugar until it forms soft peaks. I like to reserve some for garnishing.

    5. Fold melted chocolate-butter mixture into beaten egg yolk mixture until smooth. 

    6. Mix half of the whipped cream into the chocolate mixture. Then fold this mixture into the remaining whipped cream till its smooth and just combined.

  4. Assemble:

    1. Layer the bowl/bowls with the crust.

    2. Top with mousse- egg or eggless.

    3. If using egg you can top with the cherry compote immediately and then garnish with some whipped cream and a cherry.

    4. If using eggless, you will need to let it set in the fridge for 5-6 hours before topping it with cherry compote and garnishing it.

    5. Once you have topped it, let them set for another 3-4 hours and then take out 15 mins before serving.

  5. Serve cool and enjoy!


  • Use any chocolate cream biscuits that you like. I like using born bon biscuits but you can use what you like.

  • For the mousse with egg-

    • Use a food thermometer to measure the temperature of the eggs.

    • Do not over mix the mixture when folding the heavy cream.

  • Let the mousse thaw for 15 mins before serving.

  • You can make the cherry compote 1-2 days before and keep.