The Global Vegetarian

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Asparagus & Corn Buns

Spring is here which means it’s a perfect time for these asparagus and corn buns. These are hollow buns filled with the most delicious creamy filling. The corn and asparagus balance each other so well. I used tinned asparagus in this recipe so it’s available anywhere you are and honestly any time of the year. Personally in this recipe I prefer the tinned asparagus to fresh. If you say you don’t like asparagus this is the recipe for you. The asparagus gets mixed in so well you need to try it ! This recipe is perfect for get togethers and parties or as snacks!
Happy Cooking!

Servings: 12 buns

Prep Time: 10-15 mins

Cooking Time: 40 mins

Total Time: 1 hour


  • 1 cup white sauce

  • 3/4-1 cup corn kernels

  • 10 oz asparagus (tinned; for fresh check notes)

  • 1/3 cup mozzarella cheese 

  • 12 savory Bread rolls 

  • 1/3 cup Grated Cheese to top- either mozzarella or a light cheddar or Amul

  • 2 tbsp melted butter

  • Sliced Olives to garnish

  • Parsley leaves to garnish


  1. Prepare white sauce in a saucepan.

  2. Add the corn, asparagus and mozzarella cheese and mix it together.

  3. Cook it for 3-5 mins till it's well combined and cooked in and the cheese has melted. The tinned asparagus will break into the sauce and that's fine.

  4. Let it cool for 5-10 mins.

  5. Preheat oven to 350F.

  6. Using a pestle or something similar, press down each bun to form a hollow space in the middle.

  7. Fill with the cooled filling.

  8. Garnish with some cheese and top with sliced olives if you want.

  9. Brush melted butter around the sides and edges of the buns.

  10. Bake at 350F for about 20 mins till the cheese is melted and the filling is warm.

  11. Take out and garnish with parsley or basil leaves.

  12. Serve with condiments like ketchup Or chili garlic dipping sauce.


  • If you want to use fresh asparagus- cut the stalks sin small pieces and boil them till soft. Then add them to the white sauce and mix well.

  • Tinned corn kernels work the best in this recipe.

  • You can always cut and hollow out bread but for this recipe it’s not needed so it reduces wastage.

  • I start assembling it directly on a baking tray to avoid messy transfers.

  • If you’re making this for parties or get together a you can prep the bread and filling and keep separately. Just fill bake and serve! Don’t fill and keep as it will make the bread soggy.